Deputy for Research

Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences

Mazandran Cohort Study Center


Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) accounts for 76.4% of total death in Iran. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are the most common causes of NCD mortality, followed by cancers, chronic pulmonary, renal and liver diseases. The epidemiological evidences in NCDs epidemics are limited in Iran.

The Prospective Epidemiological Research Studies of the Iranian Adults (PERSIAN) is a nationwide Cohort study launched in 2014 in 9 provinces in Iran including Mazandran province.

The main goal of Mazandran Cohort Study (MCS) along with PERSIAN is to identify environmental and genetic risk factors of NCDs. MCS involves urban (Sari) and rural (Kiasar) population aged 35 to 70 years old. The pilot phase of MCS began in Sari in June 2015 and it is going on. So far 1280 participants have been recruited.

Data gathering is as follows:

A trained nurse will complete an interviewer-administered electronic questionnaire for each subject. The questionnaire includes information about Food Frequency, Lifestyle Factors, Occupational History, Oral and Dental Health, Mobile Use,  medical history, medications and supplements, reproductive history, sleep and physical activity. A trained nurse will measure Anthropometrics measurements and blood pressure, Blood, urine, nail and hair samples will be collected for each subject. Results of CBC test, FBS, TC, TG, HDL, BUN, Cr, SGOT, SGPT and alkaline phosphates will be reported to participants. Buffy coat, serum, plasma and whole blood will be stored for each subject.